Cttls a Summary of Specific Legilation

A summary of specific legislation that must be compiled with/of which teachers must be aware.

Regarding legislation requiments and codes of practice I need to aware of key aspects in the current legislations and codes of practices in my chosen teaching subject. I would need to see that I know what sources are available to me to help my students. I myself need to be accountable to my students and my organisation to ensure I carry out my role as assessor/tutor correctly. There are many to apply to myself:
The child act. (1989) and (2004) which emphasises the importance of safeguarding children and young people within an educational setting. If a student/learner discloses neglect or abuse an establishment should have instructions to help the learners. This could be a referral to an organisation internally or externally. Also myself as a teacher should/must adhere to the every child matters (1999) (ECM) agenda created by the government, this is to safeguard each student. It states that every child has the right to have the support they need to be healthy, stay safe, to make positive achievements and receive the best education.
The LLUK suggest professional standard for teacher, tutors, and trainers in the lifelong learning sector. The Equality Act 2010 supports professionals who may be discriminated against age, disability, race, religion, belief, gender and sexual orientation The Act identifies direct and indirect discrimination.

One of the main legislations I myself as a teacher in vocational area hair and beauty need to understand the importance of is health and safety act (1974. The act suggests all workers are entitled to work in a safe environment where the risks a properly controlled following safe working practises and risk assessment. Hand in Hand COSHH- control of substances hazardous to health. • Manual Handling operations regulations (1992)
• (RIDDOR) Reporting of injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (1995), I would need to...