Critically Discuss the Changing of Family Values in Contemporary Japan as Represented in Tokyo Sonata (2008).

Name:         Anthony Chan Long Yin

Date: 30/10/2012

Traditional male status in family

In the traditional family value, male status was very high and the father was usually the head of the family, has the greatest power in the home. This kind of family value could be traced back to Edo period or even earlier. But these kinds of family values were kept until 1970s-1990s. There are two reasons:

Japan had a serious slump after the failure of the axis in WWII. The production was stopped. About 40% of the nation's industrial plants and infrastructure were destroyed, and production was reverted to levels about fifteen years earlier. The Japanese government announced the preferential policy of coal which is based on the global political and environmental factors. It focused on coal mining, refining, and distribution abroad again. As a result, there was a great demand for male workers, so the male social status rose.

After that, the Japanese government required the companies to adopt the system of life tenure, so the companies trained their employees when they are still adolescents, and to be their own assets. The companies arranged a blind date for their employees as to avoid their resign for commission. Women stayed at home as they are the main role to have a child to have a successor and take care of the family members, including father and their children, and further establish the status of the men home. Sasaki's family is a traditional family in the Tokyo Sonata, Sasaki was born in the 1960s and he was full of traditional concepts. Sasaki thought being a Daikokubashira have responsibility to pay money for the daily life to his wife, Megumi, and also their children. It is the same as other families at that time.

Usually the fathers in most of the Japan families were used to order the other family members to do something he would like to see because he used to do that in the company when he was still the head of a department. It may cause a...