Criminal Justice

1. What is your opinion regarding the adversarial nature of the criminal trial process?
Well at first I think all in all, our criminal justice system approaches a criminal trial with the greatest admiration. But I also think each state looks at it different. Even though they do hear both sides, to get the truth and, listen to each side’s evidence that will help prove their case of guilt or innocent. They make sure that the evidence was taken in the right way, so that it will help the case they are working on, so they think it is fair, and what is expectable by law. Then the defendant has choice to have a jury trial or a trial by a judge; which their attorney will tell them which one will be better for their case, to give the defendant a better chance of getting a fair trial.

2. Is this the most effective approach to determine the guilt of the defendant?
The most effective is having evidence that will show there is beyond a reasonable doubt that your client is innocent .Some of the best   evidence would be an   eye-witness, then   DNA evidence but you do have to make sure all of this evidence has been through the proper change of evidence. Then you can look for any video at the scene that will show who might done the crime that was committed. By doing this it will help you out help determine if your client was at the scene of the crime
3. What rules are designed to make the two sides "work together" so that the trial is fair?
There are some institutional safeguards to ensure that there is a sense of cooperation and fairness in any trial. While there is a division between the prosecution and the defense, there are elements which ensure both sides work together in order to achieve a fair trial. Rules about the disclosure of evidence, defense ability to question and examine evidence with their own experts, as well as the ability to put forth different defenses helps to make a trial fair. The ability to plea bargain is another example where both sides can be...