Court Issues Analysis

Court Issues Analysis
CJA 394

Court Issues Analysis
Administration and management of courts is filled with challenges.   Often depending upon the geographical context of the court, such challenges will include resource shortage, a perpetual docket of criminal cases and the broader complexity of providing civil order and justice to communities while balancing constitutional law and local ordinance. Moreover, the complexity of administering justice in and of itself plays a part in the difficulty of court management, with issues such as the deepening ethnic diversity of encountered populations and shifting ideas about victims’ rights playing defining roles in the tasks before any given court. The discussion here on language interpretation services and the timeline in the evolution of victims’ rights are offered within the context of court administration.
It is often the case that courts will find themselves burdened with the task of wading through the details of officer-defendant confrontations in spite of the various obstacles to communication which may have contributed to an initial altercation. Officers are trained to control situations rather than to reason with them, and especially in cases where language barriers are a factor, it is simply more expedient to work toward immediate resolution and allow the courts to sort through the details in a formal proceeding. This is consistent with Robinson’s claim that “American criminal justice now devotes a larger portion of its resources to its police and corrections than to its courts, providing more evidence that we are following a crime control model of criminal justice” (Robinson, 2002).
It is for this reason that it is incumbent upon the courts to provide all participants in court proceedings with the necessary resource support to effectively navigate the details of an altercation or of events that otherwise led to an incident, crime or arrest. According to the Missouri Courts, all courts are recommended to...