Corporate Environmental Obligation

Unit Title: Communication in Business 100
Assessment: Critical Essay
Company: Cisco
Essay Title: Corporate Environmental Obligation:
            An observation of the performance of Cisco
Student name: LIANG QIAN
Student number: 15115070
Semester: Trimester 3A, 2010
Campus: Curtin Singapore
Tutor’s Name: Patricia Lorenz
Date: December 27, 2010

Corporate Environmental Obligation:
An observation of the performance of Cisco
Nowadays, increasingly individuals and publics evaluate the social performance as an important standard of excellent companies. And the social performance of company is illustrated as corporate social responsibility which stands for the organization has higher obligation of stakeholders in business operations (Topal and Ongen 2008, 58-7). The corporate social responsibility is a core business management requirement which is already received by publics as a valuable theory all around the world (Crane, Matten, Spence 2008, 4). The performance of corporate social responsibility is relevant to interactions between organizations and stakeholders, such as communities, employees, and customers (Crowther 2008, 51-3). The corporate social responsibility does not only the aspect of economic, but also the environment aspect which showed as a reputation image standard of organizations (McIntosh et al. 1994, 41). Environmental factors has been taken into an important place when the customer choosing IT products, as well as increasingly IT enterprises focus on reducing contamination of environment (Forrester Consulting, 2009).

    Cisco is one of the most successful companies in the world which focus on information technology, and Cisco try their best to improve their social performance image through reducing environmental impacts of their products, the core value is “the right thing to do” and the corporate social responsibility programs aim to create benefits for their stakeholders, such as communities, customers, and employees (Cisco, n.d)....