Coping Styles and Psychological Preparation

Coping Styles and Psychological Preparation
JoAnn Marsh
Axia College-University of Phoenix

A cardiac cauterization has been scheduled for Gerry a 64-year-old male, he will be tested for any cardiovascular disorder. Gerry is alert and motivated to determine what may be the cause of the chest pain and shortness of breath he has been experiencing. Because Gerry has responded to his symptoms in a responsible way by immediately seeking medical care and trying to determine the cause behind his illness, one may deem Gerry one who is dealing with his issue with problem-focused coping efforts. (Associated Content, 2009). Though; Gerry’s primary coping strategy is one motivated by problem-solving, Gerry is showing additional signs of emotional response because he has not confided in his wife about the symptoms he has been going through.  
I believe that because Gerry displays a style of coping that is problem-focused or one displayed by individuals who use attention as a coping method. It is my belief that the best psychological preparation method for Gerry to apply is that of informational control. Although people normally go through anxiety as, he or she prepare for any type of medical procedure, the informational method permits an individual to understand the steps that they will go through and respond in a positive manner. Decreasing Gerry’s anxiety by having the appropriate information may allow Gerry to respond in a positive manner to his pending procedure.  

Associated Content Inc. (2009). Two Different Coping Strategies: Problem-Focused Vs. Emotional-Focused Coping. Retrieved on August 24, 2010, from
Axia College of University of Phoenix. (2007). In The Hospital: The Setting, Procedures, and Effects on Patients. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from Axia College, Week Six reading, aXcess, HCA 250-The Psychology of Health course web site.
