Contemporary Social Work with Adults

Contemporary social work with adults
Historically, adult social care has been subject to many reforms, inclusive of new acts of parliament, with continuous streams of regulations and policy guidance since the introduction of the Great. Britain. National Assistance Act (1948).   For example, Great Britain. Carers (Equal opportunities) Act   (2004) built on previous legislation and amended practice; it ensured that local authorities were obliged to inform carers about their own right to an assessment.
It is argued that some of the challenges and key issues within adult social care derive from the complexity of legislation and policy which has been described as inadequate and confusing with conflicting obligations (DOH, 2012; Brammer, 2010). Braye, Preston-Shoot and Wigley, (2013) propose that complex law has the effect of stifling innovation and Mackenzie and Watts, (2012) claim that multiple layers of law can make the promotion of flexibility and new policy approaches within practice difficult. Yet, in order for an intervention to take place a legal underpinning of some sort is frequently essential (Lymbery and Postle, 2010). System theory as described within Kihlström,(2012) offers insight into this and provides a model for analysing how society, in particular social workers and service users might function and potential issues and challenges surrounding this at both a macro, mezzo and micro level (Payne, 2002).

Though it would seem essential to acknowledge the fundamental role legislation, policy and guidance plays within adult social care, likewise, it is necessary to appreciate the limitations of adult social care law and the issues it can create within an ever changing environment (Clarke, 2013).For instance, there are many grey areas such as the gap and inconsistencies between the transition from children to adult services, especially within mental health (Hepworth et al, 2013). A report from the Law Commission (2011, p. 12) proposes that ‘the...