
Assess how own attitudes, values and behaviour
could impact on work with children and young

All those working in the school have a legal duty to protect the rights of children and young people. It is important that you examine your own attitudes and values critically, to consider how these may impact on the way you work with children. An individual’s background, upbringing and experiences can have an effect on attitudes towards individuals and groups, so it is important to recognise these. Personal prejudices, which may lead to discriminatory practice, can be overcome through developing a greater understanding of diverse groups in society. For example, you can overcome them by finding out about the religious beliefs and cultures of the children you work with, and by knowing about any special educational needs or disabilities.

We need to build good relations with the colleagues as when practitioners respect one another and enjoy a good rapport that leads to the foundation of a pleasant atmosphere. This is equally important for everyone in the school, the practitioners, children, parents and carers. Same way we need to establish a good relationship with parents and carers that allows trust to develop and if we don’t communicate much that develops a gap between the school and home and that attitude will not be very helpful to work together for the betterment of children.

Similarly we need to help child to feel welcome and valued in the environment. Starting school is sometimes hard for young children who are not very used to of being away from their parents or carers. In these situation teachers welcoming attitude is very important. The process of settling children in the new environment is most successful when it is gradual.

Do not make assumptions about children and young people. Finding out about their backgrounds, interests, abilities and individual needs will help you to provide more effective, appropriate and personalised support....