Comparison of National Convention and Nobility Regarding Louis Xvi's Execution

The first source says that the people are relieved by the end of the tyranny and oppression caused by the king, and show much “approval for the public and for liberty”. It says that “the victims…protested his existence” and that people are less hostile than before the death of the King. The second source says that the death of the King “has spread dismay everywhere” and that people feel that the execution was dangerous and excessive.
The first cource states that “war and domestic discord” had spread over France, as well as “deep seated prejudices”. It states that France has much tyranny, and oppression without any liberty or fraternity. The second source states that there was a possibility of “peace, security, and fortune” in the King’s reign which has been lost, but there were many “untold ills” which will be more forgoing after the King’s death, due to the irrationality of the National Convention.
The first source states that “uncertainties and distubances” have followed with the death of the King, but that is was inevitable, and now only “the good which [the people] have produced through the death of tyrant and the tyranny now remains. It also states that unity must be had to ensure that no civil war takes place. The second source states that there are more “untod ills which threaten [them],” which will now be inevitable. It also says that “horrible crimes and… misfortunes,” as well as accusations, inquisition, tyranny, and lack of freedom have spread over France.
The sources agree that civil war is a possible outcome because of the King’s death. The first source wants to create unity to avert the destruction of a possible civil war, and the second source fears that a civil war is inevitable due to the unthinkable action of the National Convention, which will finish France off, and leave it completely defenseless. They also agree that public unrest could follow the death of the King. The first source states that they must...