Comparing the Russian and French Revolution

In political (involving or characteristic of politics or parties or politicians) revolutions ( an event that changes and shapes the world), violence (an act of aggression) is the very essence. In concern with The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the French Revolution of 1792, no other factor causes the revolutions to make faster advancements and progression other than violence. Despite violence being at the centre of both the revolutions, there are many other linking factors that highlights the similarities between the two events, as all Revolutions have violence as the essence and in the case of French and Russian revolution similar long and short term causes, aswell as many similarities during and after the revolutions. Although these revolutions have many evident similarities, no two revolutions can ever be the same.
During the Revolution there was a major social change in France that was similar to Russia’s. Majority in both countries in terms of social classes fell into the rural working class category, with over eighty percent of people. The beginning of the social change in France was when the third estate created a National Assembly which demanded a new constitution outlining  how government would be organised in France. France was virtually bankrupt because of France’s involvement in the Seven Years’ War and the American War of Independence and France’s inefficient taxation scheme where the burden was not shared equally, with the members of the Third estate paid the highest tax despite earning the lowest incomes. This marked the beginning of revolutionary activities.
The Russian revolution resulted in a major social change.The Russian revolution started with disputes from the workers who demonstrated against the tsarist regime, the war, and food shortages. Fights with the police and army followed but many soldiers sided with the revolutionaries who took control of the capital. During this time violence was at the essence as people used physical force to...