Compare and Contrast

Symbolism     Pg.1

Symbolism of the Journey
Kimberly Balsley
English 125 Introduction to Literature
Holly Wilcox
August 20, 2012

Symbolism     Pg. 2
Short Stories and Poetry are written differently and have their own stories that are being told to the readers. The authors of the short stories and poetry are to telling their stories in their own style of rhythm, characterization, and fictional setting that will be used for their narrative. With the author telling their short story and poetry in their own style the readers is able use their imagination to visualize what the author is saying through symbolism and descriptive language. In the two literary pieces “The Road not taken” written by Robert Frost is a poem and “A Worn Path “written by Eudora Welty is a short story that shares the same theme. The theme is of two literary piece is every person journey is based on their own decision and no matter how many paths that distract you it is still your decision on how to end your journey.
The theme happens differently in the two pieces of literary pieces “The Road not took” by Robert Frost and “A Worn Path” by Welty’s Phoenix Jackson. The first literary Piece “The Road not Taken” is a poem about the character was had to make decision on what road to take to go the character journey. The character could not take both roads even though the roads are both quite similar and the character knows the decision he made will make a difference in his life.   The author give several hints that he was going on the journey himself and it easier to see this in a visual image because the poem was written in first person with the use of the word of “I” throughout the poem. There was a line in the poem that lead I to believe that he was the one going through on the journey “I took the one less traveled by” (Mountain Interval, New York (1916). The other literary piece “A Worn Path” is a short story that does share the same theme as the “The Road Not Taken” but is written in...