Compare and Contrast the Client-Centred (Rogerian) Model of Counselling with Either Egan's 3-Stage Model or the Gestalt Model of Counseling. How Do You Understand the Similarities Between Them?

The model of counselling I have chosen to compare and contrast the client-centred (rogerian) model with is Egan’s 3-stage model. In this essay I will define my understanding of these two models of counselling, describe and explore the ways the two models create the counselling alliance, compare and contrast the differences and similarities between the two models by examining how the models are used and outlining two brief examples of how and when the different models might be used.
Carl Rogers created Person Centred Counselling (The client-centred model). This type of counselling which is Humanistic deals with the ways in which people understand   themselves without being told by a counsellor what they need to be doing or what there problem is, as they consciously do this for themselves in a therapeutic setting with a counsellor present .   Carl Rogers Client-Centred Approach focuses on the “here and now” and uses three core conditions these are Empathy, Unconditional Positive Regard and Congruence.   Empathy for me means being able to feel what the client is feeling, in each moment by walking in their shoes as though what they are feeling, comes from within me. Unconditional Positive Regard in my opinion is a warm positive acceptance towards what is in the client even if the client behaves in ways which are not what I believe in. My definition of Congruence means genuineness, being true to you by being open to my feelings and attitudes within reason towards my client. Carl Rogers said "the client knows what hurts, what directions to go, what problems are crucial, what experiences have been buried" (Rogers, 1961, pp. 11-12).

Empathy is the ability to not only know or detect what others are feeling, but to also experience that emotion yourself. Empathy is a continuing process whereby the counsellor lays aside their own way of experiencing and perceiving reality, preferring to sense and respond to the experiencing and perceptions of their client. This sensing may be...