Compare and Contrast Mexicans and Cubans

There are many differences between the Mexicans and the Cubans. Mexican cultures may have different ways of culture than the Cubans.   Unlike the Mexicans, the Cubans have many different things too.   Here are some of similarities and differences that a Mexican and a Cuban in common.
Mexican and Cubans are similar in the   language they may speak.   Eventhough the Cubans speak and may sound different in the way theyu speak Spanish, Mexicans too speak Spanish.   Mexicans are mostly found in the Southwest of the United States and the Cubans are found and are growing in numbers in the South Florida. (Gonzalez, Harvest of Empire). They also may belong in the same racial group   Other than both groups belonging to the ethnic group latino(Which is not a race but an ethnicity) puerto ricans and mexicans like many other nationalities throughout latin america have more differences than they have in common. Most U.S. born Americans are completely ignorant to how extremely different latinos are from different countries and tend to think that just because latinos all speak spanish they are all the same and eat the same food etc. This is not the case. In fact the spanish that puerto ricans and mexicans speak is totally different. Saying that Mexicans and Puerto Ricans have a the spanish language in common is a mistake because many Mexicans have a hard time understanding Puerto Ricans as well as other carribean latinos since their spanish has strong influence from the dialect of the African slaves that were brought to the island of Puerto Rico, as well as the Canary Islands which are territory of Spain but located off the coast of Africa. Puerto Rican spanish also has alot of influence from the Andalusia region of spain. Thus where as Mexicans typically speak slower and tend to enunciate consonate sounds more like S and L puerto ricans often don't pronounce "S" and "R" sounds or sometimes leave out "D" sounds and tend to pronounce vowel sounds more as well as changing "R" sounds to...