Community and Problem Solving Policing

Community and Problem-Solving Policing | September 17
Introduction of thesis and topics, community policing, problem-solving policing, federal government’s integration into community policing, explanation of which type of policing you believe is more effective, conclusion. | CJS210 |

    There are two major theories regarding the best and most effective use of resources in the area of policing. The first of these is the relatively traditional problem-solving policing. (Goetz & Mitchell, 2003) This philosophy dictates that police organizations utilize their resources by reacting to trouble spots and incidents of criminal activity. This means officers tend to the places in communities that tend to have more crimes being committed in them than others. (Goetz & Mitchell, 2003) Beyond normal patrol resources, police agencies use task-forces and specialized sections to target problem areas (either geographically, or by crime category). (Goetz & Mitchell, 2003) A more recent theory of policing is the community policing philosophy. (Goetz & Mitchell, 2003) This theory proceeds upon the notion that positive community relations and contacts are the best deterrent for crime. (Goetz & Mitchell, 2003) A problem in most police jurisdictions is that residents of areas most affected by crime are often the most distrustful of law enforcement. (Goetz & Mitchell, 2003) In the community-policing paradigm, resources are used in community outreach efforts to involve civilians in the act of patrolling and reporting crimes, and facilitating communication between community members and the police. (Goetz & Mitchell, 2003) Rather than targeting "trouble spots" with excess manpower and resources, the community policing philosophy is preventative in nature. (Goetz & Mitchell, 2003) It seeks to defuse high-crime circumstances before they become a policing crisis. (Goetz & Mitchell, 2003) As is often the case, an approach to policing that...