
Principles of communication.

Aled Jones
School of Health Science
interpersonal skills – an exploration of
teaching, research and practice issues.
quality of interaction between nurses and patients (Bowles et al 2001) there is an increased awareness of the importance of communication skills teaching and for effective evaluation of student nurse performance in this area (Booth et al 1999).

methodological approach – that of conversation analysis (CA) - provides a viable approach to study this type of interaction; with a particular eye on the teaching and assessing of interpersonal skills within an undergraduate adult nursing programme.
nursing students used examples of transcripts and tape recordings of nurse-patient interaction SEGUE framework for assessing the quality of practitioner-patient communication from a patient centred perspective.

‘Putting Patients First’  

Studies from Macleod-Clark (1983) to Whittington & McLaughlin (2000) describe nurses as investing little time in meaningful patient centred interactions with less than 3 minutes being spent communicating with patients over a 2 hour observation period
The most common reason forwarded by nurses for this is a perceived lack of time for reciprocative patient-centred communication (Ashworth 1980, Bond 1983, Byrne & Heyman 1997).
Communicating is something we do naturally all the time.
We decide what we want to say. And we choose the best way to say it.
Nurses need a unified message and an
efficient way of getting that message over.
We should think about: !
our audience–who are we aiming the message at? !
the message–what do we want to tell them?
the method/medium–what is the best way to communicate the message? !
the outcome—what do we want to happen?

Who is the target audience?
Generally we are all more interested in things that might affect us directly. For
example if we were writing about a pay claim, branch members would be
interested in the...