Communication Skills in Helping Relationships

Know about helping relationships

1.1 Identify different forms of helping relationships

  I would like to try and define helping relationships in order to explain the different forms if it.
        “I believe that people having to deal with difficult situations and choices, worrying feelings and/or sense of having missed opportunities may feel they need someone to listen and assist them to make sense of what is going on and to see if they can make better sense of it. This could mean approaching someone who is caring, committed and wise; all signs of a good helper. This could be in the form of active listening, offering practical advice or simply offering guidance.”
    ● Family: The relationship between a mother and son where a mother helps with the son’s homework or simply discusses him confronting his fear of the dark can be classified as a helping relationship. A wife may help her husband offload stress from the day by talking about what problems occurred at work and what he could have done better to resolve them.
    ● Friends: Friend-to-friend relationships may be the most common helping relationship around. It is always easy to confide in a friend and talk about every little issue/problem you may be experiencing (for example, breaking up with a partner). The friend may in turn offer guidance based upon their own personal experiences or simply help by providing a listening ear.   Another helping relationship may be found between individual/friend of a friend, whereby the friend of a friend may come to the individual looking for help regarding their mutual friend.
    ● Professional: There are numerous examples of professional helping relationships such as the relationship between a nurse & patient, manager & staff, teacher & pupil, counsellor & patient, police & victim etc.

1.2 Define Counselling

My understanding of Counselling is as follows:
    ● Counselling is advice or guidance especially as solicited from a knowledgeable person. It is an...