Communication and Collobartion

Communication and Collaboration Strategy Paper

The three intelligence learning styles that will be discussed are intrapersonal, interpersonal and logical mathematical. Intrapersonal is the “Ability to understand one’s own behavior and feelings (self-awareness, independence, time spent alone).”(Carter, Bishop, Kravits pg 4, 2007. The Intrapersonal learning style consist of evaluating ones thinking, expressing feelings and awareness, reasoning and thinking on higher levels and understanding relationships with others. Interpersonal is the “Ability to relate to others, noticing their moods, motivations, and feelings (social activity, cooperative learning, teamwork).” (pg 4) This style of learning includes observing things from other’s perspective, group cooperation, and ability to communicate verbally and create relationships as well as maintaining them. The last intelligence learning style is logical mathematical. Which is the “Ability to understand logical reasoning and problem solving (math, science, patterns, sequences).”(pg 4) Logical mathematical recognizes abstract patterns, inductive and deductive reasoning, and scientific reasoning, discerning relationship and connections as well as the ability to perform complex calculations. These three learning styles are different and yet the all share one common thought process which is reasoning or thinking. Therefore the best strategy for communication and collaboration for these groups would be informal communication through email. Informal communication is often known as communication through the grapevine. This form of communication will allow those with this learning style the opportunity to think and reason for them what is being communicated and respond to collaborate effectively.
The three different personality types are: Organizer, Giver and Thinker. The Organizer is responsible, reliable, and successful with social structures, orientation detailed, efficiency and comprehensive follow through on all...