Communication and Collaboration Strategies

Communication and Collaboration Strategy
Tonisha P. Jackson
January 17, 2011
Michael Redzich

An effective communication and collaboration strategy, within a group, is important. It will help them to have an understanding of what makes the group work well together. Developing this strategy would require the group to discuss each person’s learning style and personality type. This would be important because the group would want to utilize each person’s strengths, while helping each other to improve on the weaknesses. So how does a group find out the learning styles and personality types?
Each person should take a learning style and personality assessment. These assessments will help to narrow down how each person learns and how they respond to people and the world around them. First is the learning style assessment.
A learning style is the mind’s particular way of taking in and processing information (Carter, 2007). A learning style assessment helps each person to identify his/her learning style. Multiple Pathways to Learning, based on Professor Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory, is an example of a learning style assessment (Carter, 2007). The group, taking this assessment, may find learning styles such as Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, and Musical. Beginning with Logical-Mathematical, each style will be looked at in a little more detail.  
  * The Logical-Mathematical person is able to understand logic and problem solving, using math, science, patterns and sequences. They organize material and explain that material sequentially to someone, develop systems and find patterns, write outlines, use charts and graphs, and analyze information.
  *   The Visual-Spatial person is able to perceive and create images using visual art, graphic design, and charts and maps. They draw mind maps, develop chart and graphs, use color in notes, and visualize material.
  * The musical person is able to create meaningful sound and recognize...