Cold War Ideology

Title: Cold War Ideology and Policies.
Instructor: James Down.
Course: History 135.
Student: Veisinia Lelea.
Date: 11/27/11.

In the past many countries has to fight to keep the powers to show how great and huge a leader and a country are. All the biggest country has the power but they have to be able to have another country or ally to back them up or sided with them in order to win a war or gain powers to the world. Sometimes when countries formed alliance they have to make sure that they can be trusted even after the war. That is what happens to some alliances when they do not have trust and treated their alliances they will turn around and be enemies sometimes.
After the Cold War some of the alliances has been devastated and especially Europe where for decades Britain has led Europe into a time of better development in economics, political, and even dominate military issues over the rest of the world.
The Cold War itself was a political battle to determine whether Democracy or Communism would serve as the stronger government. A government itself is responsible for every facet of life its citizens lead. At the point of communism, the belief was that communism was an international movement that had to be stopped immediately. This was meant to keep the Soviet expansion in the Eastern part of Europe, but not intended for use in Asia (Korea and Vietnam). This was accomplished by the military and through the Truman Doctrine, which was created to aid Greece and Turkey to prevent their fall to communism. The United States experienced the Red Scare, which McCarthy stated that there was communists in the government so they would began a time where they have to put people on trial and even imprisoned and executed some of them, as in Rosenberg’s. After Korea War and Stalin’s death in 1953, gradually there was an acceptance on both sides of a status.
Even though wars are over but still some countries are still trying to create wars now a day just to gain land...