Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are generally ground and used to make a popular drink called coffee which is consumed by many people. Some coffee drinkers like the distinct taste of coffee. Other coffee drinkers find the drink stimulating and often use it to give them an energy boost in the mornings and throughout the day.   The energy boost provided in coffee is caffeine. There are many other products on the market today that coffee users may use as a caffeine substitute for an energy boost.   There are also many other products produced that have the same flavor as coffee and can be a substitute for those who are only interested in the distinct taste of coffee.

      The coffee bean may be used to deodorize refrigerators, as a mouth freshener, paper dye and bean bag stuffing.   The grounds produced from coffee beans can also be used as a hand cleaner, to exfoliate your skin, mix in plant soil, a scrubber for pots and pans, and a dust control in a fireplace.   Although coffee beans and grounds may be used for these purposes, there are many more inexspensive products on the market that provide the same service and do a much better job.

      There are many inexpensive substitutes that may be used to make a coffee like drink.   Some of them are chicory root, almonds, acorns and the seeds of many grains.   Tea leaves may also be substituted for a drink like coffee.   There was widespread use of inexpensive substitutes throughout Europe and the United States during the second world war because the growing, harvesting and manufacturing of coffee beans became expensive. Over time, people became accustomed to the substitute products. The price elasticity of coffee is high.   When the price goes up, demand   goes down. When the price of coffee increases and other cheaper substitutes are available, most people will choose the substitute if the substitute produces the same result.   This is especially true during economic hard times.   When this occurs, the more expensive product becomes a luxury...