Co-Educational or Single Sex Essay

Single gender schools are better for a better education instead of co-educational schools. Single gender school has only gender so people will focus more on their studies and will not show off in front of the other gender. Girls are more outspoken and competitive when boys are not around to tease them. They also feel more comfortable participating in sports and traditionally male dominated fields when boys are not watching. Boys become less competitive and collaborate more because they do not have to worry about girls’ opinions of them. They can also feel free to participate in the arts with a class full of other boys. Gender differences run much deeper than learned behaviours we adopt by watching our parents. They come from differences in the way we process information. Educational curricula that ignore these learning differences are more likely to produce boys who struggle with language and communication and girls who have little confidence in their mathematic and scientific abilities. Once girls go through puberty and look like women, the boys at their schools sexually harass them. A single gender school would make it impossible to be sexually harassed. In a study done by the Australian Council for Education Research comparing single sex and coeducation found the results that showed that both boys and girls who were educated in single-sex classrooms scored higher than did boys and girls in coeducation settings.
      Think about how much better a high school boy would do in his school work if he was not distracted by all of the dazzling young women surrounding him. The same applies to a young woman whom is trying to be studious, when she is constantly being bothered by immature high school males. Guys would learn to be more mature and have fewer distractions in classes. Guys would concentrate on their schoolwork and actually learn something rather than trying to get a girl’s attention affecting the learning of both. Girls and boys would have a chance to shine...