Classical Societies Essay

Classical Societies Essay

Henrietta Stephens


University of Phoenix

January 23, 2011

Greece culture had a profound influence on civilizations throughout the world.   The history of Greek art spans over a period of some 5000 years.   During this period artists practiced and attained levels of sophistication that served as examples of order, harmony, balance, and glorification of the human physique.   Because of military conquests, Greece could indoctrinate many cultures with its artistic values, and helped lay the foundations for art, literature, theater, architecture, engineering, science, democracy, and many other disciplines.   Greece gave birth to ancient western classical art, and its influences are still prevalent today.

Classical Greece
  The Classical period is known as the “golden age” when Greece was in prominence.   Greek artists had mastered using marble and stone for statues. Civilization had evolved to the point where democracy and philosophy were important elements in Greek culture.   The Classical age was also the first time artists viewed the human body worthy of being immortalized in stone and bronze. Prior to the Classical era, most Greek human statues were male forms, rigidly posed, and displayed only a frontal view of the body. They were also characterized by same emotionless expressions. This was because Greeks believed that suppressing emotion was noble and civilized, and displaying emotions was considered barbaric behavior. In Greece statues were not just for “artistic display, but were pieces commissioned by aristocrats or the State for public memorials, offerings to temples, oracles and sanctuaries, or as markers for graves” (Ancient Greece, 2007, p. 1). Regardless of the age of the person being buried or honored, statues usually illustrated young men. Artists focused on the concept of ideal beauty, piety, and all were stylistically similar. (Ancient Greece, 2007)
  Artists flourished during Greece’s Classical era...