Classical Conditioning

Classical and Operant conditioning are two learning processes that we use through our daily lives. Classical conditioning is shown by when a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to get a conditioned response and can indeed cause phobias. Phobias are an intense or irrational fear and the avoidance of a specific object or situation (Huffman, 2008). Operant conditioning is the formation of an association between a behavior and a consequence, which can cause addiction. Addictions are not only in the intake of substances but can range in many different categories. An addiction is something that gives you a feeling of pleasure. Researchers such as Ivan Pavlov and Edward Thorndike have researched and given findings how each condition work and respond by the study of humans and also animals. Both classical and Operant conditioning has a similarity called extinction. Extinction can be developed by conditioned response or behavior decreasing, but this does not mean it is erased completely (Anzctak, 2011).

Classical and Operant Conditioning related to Phobias and Addiction

Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning are two different learning processes which are used in our everyday lives.   Classical conditioning is when a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to get a conditioned response; this in fact can cause phobias. Operant Conditioning is where there is voluntary response but is controlled by consequences. Through operant conditioning addiction can be developed. Although classical conditioning and operant conditioning has differences, both have a similarity which is call extinction.
Phobias are an intense or irrational fear and the avoidance of a specific object or situation (Huffman, 2008). Classical conditioning was demonstrated and researched by psychologist Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov studied the use of a bell with food and pairing it with feeding time for dogs. The dogs were conditioned...