Civil Rights Act 1969

November, 18, 2008

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1969
Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1969, is an act that has much history and stands for a variety of peoples beliefs.   The amount of hard work, suffering and dedication that it took to get this act accepted by congress is unbelievable.   The origins of this are very extensive and can be traced far back in to our history.   Title VII of the Civil Rights Act has to do with the discrimination amongst a gender of sex in the work place. This act was inevitable because at that time in order for America to be united the discriminations between genders had to begin to fade.   It was unfair and unjust to have discrimination in the work place.   This discrimination in the 1900’s allowed for sexual harassment and sexual advances to happen in the workplace.   Not only was this unprofessional but it crossed the line between employer and employees of different genders.  
The start of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1969 can begin in the early 1920’s.   The National Women’s party was lobbying for equal rights and suffrage.   Women such as leader Alice Paul, Elizabeth Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony fought for years, to have equal rights under the constitution.   Although it was very unanimous that women experienced discrimination in the work place especially in the salary department, many people were blinded by the stereotypes of the society they lived in.   The Government ways of answering the questions of the many women in the National Women’s Party, was to say that women’s problems were better handled through “Special Bills”.   The National Women’s party was not lobbying for a “Special Bill”, they were lobbying for an amendment that would insure, the justice system would enforce equal pay, and treatment in the work place for women.
Later on in the 1950’s The NWP decided to change its approach from an aggressive go-getter attitude to a more positive and up-lifting one.   This tactic was not very successful even-though...