City Road

Part 1.

The table shows a breakdown of eighteen different ethnic groups living within the National Parks of England and Wales.   The data is provided from a 2011 Census carried out by the Office for National Statistics and shows that at the time of the census 402,904 members of the British population were residing within the National Parks as listed within the table.

Not surprisingly the most dominant ethnic category is that of White with 97.91% of residents across all the National Parks.   The lowest ethic group overall is that of African/Caribbean/Black British: Other Black with only 0.02%.

In fact 94.99% of the population within the White category comes from the White: English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British highest ethnic group.   The second highest ethnic group within which is over 40 times less than the dominant group is that of White: Other white with 2.32% of the population. This is over 4½ times more than the White Irish group 0.50% and 20 times more than the White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller group with only 0.11% representation.

Of the Mixed/Multiple ethic groups represented by 0.81% of the population living in the National Parks there are almost twice as many residents from the White and Asian community (0.33%) than both the Other Mixed and the White and Black Caribbean community that have very similar figures (0.19%).   They in turn have almost twice as many residents as the White and Black African community (0.10%).

Of the Asian communities represented as 0.93% of all National Parks the highest representation comes from the British: Other Asian community with 0,42% which is almost twice as many as the British Chinese community (0,23%) and over double the British Indian population (0.18%)

The African Caribbean category accounts for 0.20% of the total population of the National Parks with Black British: African having the highest representation at 0.11% almost twice as many as Black British: Caribbean (0.06%) and almost 5 times as many as...