
ju1c   Offline
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1 05-06-2010 02:08
WJEC English B1. Descriptive writing

Original question was:

Describe the scene in a fish and chip shop on a busy Friday evening.

Walking towards the fish and chip shop as a thrill in itself – one that built with every step. The day was bright and the scorching sun shone upon our heads as if we were its minions. The shop wasn’t visible until we turned the last corner which enlightened our heads. It gave us expectations which we could not imagine, something unique had hit us and we could not wait to arrive. Sounds were already beginning to get louder as we get closer, children all around were heading to this new phenomenal chip shop and along the way you could hear them either talking about it or even singing as it was a traditional event such as Christmas. When we turned towards the last corner, we knew that we were going to have the time of our lives.

Then we arrived, the first thing we saw was the menu which was stuck on the top so you could see it as you walked in. It shone upon your eyes with various lights ranging from blue to yellow. Children were behind each other as a sheep herd, all wanting to get a bite of the delicious food which you could smell from a mile away. The chips smelt delicious along with the chicken and battered sausage. The moment of truth had arrived as we got closer towards our turn in being served by the posh employers. They wore red outfits with designer shoes; this made them stand out like the fish and chip shop.

The next thing that hit us was the warm crispy chicken nuggets – surely we needed a bite of this! We decided upon buying each and every item that was available. As we got closer in line, the faster my heart started to beat, it almost felt as if I was on life support waiting to be given my medicine which was the food. As we looked to our left we could see children already being served eating the crispy nuggets, the icy chicken. It was called for now, we needed...