Children and Young People Workforce

any staff member to report or raise a concern of any symptoms of illness to the manager and parents upon arrival at nursery or throughout the day.
Parent/carers are contacted immediately in case of any vomiting, fever or prolonged diarrhoea and may request parents/carers to collect their child if they have a fever exceeding 38’C, severe diarrhoea or vomiting or are showing signs of distress or discomfort. The child should stay at home until they are able to participate in a normal Nursery day, including outdoor play.
My setting also requests that a child is not brought to the nursery if suffering from any of the following conditions:
• Diarrhoea
• Untreated lice/scabies
• Any infection childhood
• Eye infection childhood illness
• Impetigo (weeping spots, usually around the nose and mouth)
• Fever
• Vomiting
• German measles, whopping cough, measles, mumps, chicken pox • Hand foot and mouth disease
• Swine flu
• Croupe
Emergencies are to be reported to management or section leader as appropriate. When a child joins the setting, two emergency numbers are to be given to be manager so they can be used at appropriate times. For example, where the emergency services need to be called. Any emergency is documented by management and an investigation carried out. A risk assessment is also performed to establish whether any hazards could have been avoided and/or can be eliminated in the future. Where the emergency involves an accident so severe as to have for example, injured a child, OFSTED may need to be informed.
Describe what is meant by a positive environment
A positive environment is rich in inspiration and varied in resources, supporting a child’s learning and development. A positive environment gives children the confidence to explore and learn in secure ad safe, yet challenging indoor and outdoor space.
A positive environment is also one where parents and staff are working in a good partnership to support the children, making sure that children are...