Children and Learning

1.1 Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive     relationships with children young people and adults.

Effective communication is essential for the promotion of a positive relationship particularly when working with children, adults and/or young people. The more effectively we communicate with others, the more satisfying and successful our relationships will be.
Essentially it is well documented that children are happier and learn better in a positive and secure environment. Providing and environment with clear boundaries   and a consistent approach will promote confident children who can thrive. To create this atmosphere, you need to communicate well.
Good communication is a 2-way process, so you have to do as much listening as talking. Understanding the child’s, parent carer and colleagues point of view through effective listening will affirm that they have worth.
It is our responsibility to model good, calm communication and listening skills to the child and help them in the process of learning good social interaction. Learning how to communicate well when young is a worthy life skill.
It is now accepted that the spoken word accounts for only 7-11% of communication which confirms that non-verbal communication is really important in understanding. This means we need to be acutely aware of things like eye contact, gestures, posture, body movements, and tone of voice. All of these signals can convey important information that isn't put into words.
In a school situation an anxious parent or carer may not have the confidence to approach staff with their concerns but you are often able to spot that they are worried and you can prompt them to talk to you enabling early resolution of a problem before it becomes too serious. In the classroom a child may be worried but not able to convey these feelings and it is our responsibility to be a vehicle that helps them to express themselves.
It is also essential to be able to communicate...