Child Development

Children’s Care, Learning and Development – Level 3
Child Development Project: Birth – 16 years.
There are five main areas of child development: Physical development, cognitive development, language development, emotional development and social development. Right from birth, each person has needs that require to be met in all the areas: for example a new born baby requires to be fed, kept warm, sleep, and can already recognise their mother’s voice and smell. They use crying as a means of letting us know that they need something such as changing or feeding or even a cuddle. As this baby becomes older, they may begin to let us know what they want by pointing at objects and things and will eventually will reach an age where they can communicate their needs through their voice as their language has developed.
Developmental norms are a guide to the age and stage a baby/child should be at. Each baby/child is individual however and will reach their “milestones” in their own time- the developmental norms are not set in stone and simply act as a rough guide to where a baby/child should be. Parents and carers can often become extremely anxious when they think that their baby/child is not reaching their milestones at the right age but it is very important to remember that many things can affect a child’s performance including tiredness and illness.
Physical development refers to the way in which the body is able to move with increasing skill and complexity. There are two areas of physical development:
Gross motor skills: movements using the large muscles in the body such as walking.
Fines motor skill which can further be broken down into two parts:
Gross manipulative skills: such as throwing and catching- they usually involve single limb movements.
Fine manipulative skills: such as writing- they involve precise use of the hands and fingers.
At birth, gross motor skills present may be the ability to lie on their backs with their head to one side. Fine motor skills...