Checkpoint: Sleeping and Dreaming

CheckPoint: Sleeping and Dreaming

Axia College of University of Phoenix

    There are 5 stages of sleep. The first stage is a transition phase called Alpha Theta, eyes roll slowly and it only lasts a few minutes. The second stage is Theta Spindles, where the brain waves peak higher and higher. The third stage is Delta Theta, and the brain waves move very slowly during this stage. The fourth stage consists of 50% delta and theta brain waves and is the second deepest sleep before REM sleep. The fifth stage is the beta stage is where the deepest sleep occurs.
    The five common beliefs about dreams are: many believe that external stimuli becomes incorporated in their dreams, dreams only last for an instant, some people think that they do not dream, penile erections are commonly assumed that the dreamer is having a sexual dream, and most people believe in sleep talking or sleepwalking.
    The recuperation theories of sleep states that being awake disrupt the internal physiological stability of the body and that we sleep to restore it. The circadian theories of sleep states that we as humans are programmed to sleep at night regardless of what happens to us during the day. I would

have to go with the circadian theories of sleep, because I have had to stay up for long periods of time when I was in guard duty in the military, and the toughest time is at night. Many have gotten in trouble for falling asleep while on duty, and many claim they never intended to fall asleep. Also when working third shift, many have a hard time getting to sleep during the day because their bodies are used to being at rest at night and running around all day.