Ch. 29 and 30 Progressivism:

Ch. 29 and 30 Progressivism:

1) Muckrakers: Journalists who attempted to find corruption or wrongdoing in industries and expose it to the public.

2) Robert LaFollette: Progressive movement leader; debater; libertarian reforms; Wisconsin.

3) Hiram Johnson: Californian Republican governor of 1910, helped break the dominant grip of the Southern Pacific Railroad.

4) Frances Willard: temperance activist and women's rights leader.

5) Florence Kelley: National Consumer's League founder; consumerism

6) The Jungle: Written by Upton Sinclair (a 26 year old socialist) and was published in 1906. The Jungle is a book that was intended to be socialist, but 8-9 pages of it was about the slaughter houses, which were

7) Initiative: The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination. A beginning or introductory step; an opening move: took the initiative in trying to solve the problem.

8) Referendum: both gives voters rights to vote for legislation proposal by government officials.
9) Recall: Manufacturer ordering that previously sold products be returned to repair or replace a defective part or parts. In some cases, the government orders the manufacturer to issue a recall, particularly in the case of automobiles having possible safety hazards.

10) 16th Amendment: Income taxes authorized.

11)17th Amendment: US Senators to be elected by direct popular vote.

12)18th Amendment: Liquor prohibition amendment.

13) Elkins Act: outlawed rebates; railroads couldn’t transport goods they owned. Elinate rebate.

14) Hepburn Act: stricter railroad control; expanded Interstate Commerce Commission powers

15) Meat Inspection Act: The Meat Inspection Act of 1906 created sanitary standards established for slaughterhouses and meat processing plants. This act made sure that meat was thoroughly inspected before reaching its consumers. The primary goals of the law are to prevent adulterated or...