Celta Assignment 1

1.         The plane leaves at 10.00 tomorrow.
a) present simple
Subject + main verb “to leave” in the present tense + time marker.
b) Talking about a future scheduled (timetabled) event.
c) Students may use the infinitive of the verb (to leave) instead of the present. (F)
Students may omit the letter “s” altogether or use “ing” (present participle) instead. (F)
Students may have difficulty in understanding how the present simple tense is used to talk about an arrangement of a future event from a timetable or schedule. (M)
Students may have difficulty in understanding that it is something that is happening tomorrow at a certain time. (M)
Students may have pronunciation difficulties with the long vowel /i:/ sound in “leaves”. (Ph)
They may pronounce it like /livz/ rather than the correct way /li:vz/. (Ph)
Students may have pronunciation difficulties with the final consonant letter sound in “leaves”. They may pronounce the ending like /s/ rather than the correct way /z/ = /li:vz/. (Ph)
d) The person travelling is booking a taxi to or from the airport and is confirming the flight time.
e) Is this about the present or the future? (The future). Is the plane departing today? (No). Can the flight be changed? (No - it is scheduled for the next day). What is happening at 10.00? (The plane leaves).

2.           If I had a lot of money, I’d buy a boat.

a) the second conditional
“if” clause + verb “to have” in the past simple (had) + noun, + modal auxiliary verb (would) + verb in the present simple tense + noun
b) Talking about a hypothetical event which could happen in the future but it is not likely.
c) Students may use the infinitive of the verb “have” instead of “had”. (F)
Students may omit the model auxiliary verb “would” in forming the sentence because it uses “I’d”. (F)
Students may use incorrect tense of “buy” they may add “ing” or use the past tense “bought”. (F)
Students may use the incorrect verb (will) in the second part of the sentence...