Case Syudy China

c) Main Growth Industries

The industrial production in China is one of the highest and strongest in the world, recording a growth rate of 12.6%, in the year 2002, which has unofficially increased in the years leading to 2007. The main industries that have enabled this growth rate includes:
 Iron and steel, Coal, and Machinery
 Armaments, Textiles and Apparel (eg clothing)
 Petroleum, Cement, and Chemical
 Footwear, Toys, and Food Processing
 Automobiles, and Consumer Electronics
 Telecommunications and Information Technology
The other main industry that employs half of the country’s labour force is Agriculture. China is ranked first in the world in regards of agricultural output, and has been reported to feed 20% of the world’s population (United Nations World Food Program 2003). The industry produces:
 Rice, wheat, potatoes, sorghum, peanuts, tea, millet, barley, cotton, oilseed, pork and fish

d) Quality of Life and Living Standards

The quality of life and living standards of the people in China are low compared to world standards. The Human Development Report of 2006 ranked China as 81st out of 177 countries. Their Human Development index score was 0.768. The life expectancy of a Chinese person at birth is 71.9, slightly about the 71.5 world average. Adult literacy rate is even with the world average. Gross Domestic Product per capita was also even with world average. These figures are not impressive, and the statistics are used as an indicator to measure the living standards and quality of life in China. The leading cause of death in China is respiratory and heart diseases caused by poor air quality the country.

e) Quality of the Environment

As a result of the rapid industrialisation of China, the environment has suffered immensely. According to a 1998 World Health Organisation report, seven of the top ten most polluted cities were in China, in regards to air quality. Most, if not all flowing rivers in China are believed to be...