Case Study


LEA 439
Prof. Eric Walker
July , 2014


Case Study – San Diego, CA

Read Chapter Twelve of Police Labor-Management Relations (Vol. I) and complete an analysis of the case study. Identify the issues that needed to be addressed and the negotiated resolution between police management and labor.
How did this cooperation benefit the city and management?
Because Chief Bejarano felt that the department had a history of working with the union when other big events were scheduled in San Diego, it would be a good idea to work together due to the fact that the management had involved the union in the early stages of the Biotech Conference. The advantages of this was that the city and management were able to coexist together to make sure the Biotech Conference went off without a hitch. The problem of food, water, and restroom facilities were quickly corrected with a hitch. Officers were able to make complaints, thought there barely were any, and gained overtime during the conference.
What was the impact for the officers and union membership?
The impact of officers and the union membership seems to be a positive one. With the trust and respect gaining between the two teams, the communication level allowed for better handling of situations. Complaints were able to be solved informally and when it couldn’t, sides agreed to disagree. Both parties were able to recognize that to be successful in their comanagement relationship, they had to be in constant contact to allow a free flow of communication that allowed for an easier process to resolve any conflicts that occur. This improved collective bargaining negotiations and improved the work force as a whole.

What benefit for the officers resulted from successful negotiations between labor and management?
One benefit of the Biotech Conference was that the department received a substantial amount of new equipment and every officer received additional training. This was...