Case Study on a Fashion Magazine

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
In old times the dilemma was to be or not to be, in today’s time it’s to be seen or not to be seen.
In today’s fast moving routines, recognition has become one of the imperative forms of appraisals used by many organizations and acknowledged by the recipients. This trend not only exists in organizations but has been improvised and has formulated itself into being an element of our everyday lives. This has been made easier with the advent of social magazines, for example, GoodTimes (GT), which recognizes and brings to heed the ongoing events taking place in the country.
Even at a time when everyone is caught up in their own routines, keeping a tab on the whereabouts of our surrounding remains on top of the priority list. Humans are very contentious by nature, as stated by the Highest power, and so they are deemed to feed themselves on these fables. What makes this process simpler is the presence of an outlook in the face of such a social magazines; GT.
“We get calls from all over the country asking whether their event is being covered by the magazine”, spelled out Mehek Raza Rizvi, the assistant editor of the magazine. “Everyone wants to be on the first page. They want to be seen by all”, she continued.
Amidst growing tension in the economy regarding underground tapping of resources and political instability, every company or organization has been facing its set of problems. These problems have ranged from increasing employee turnover to internal ethical breaching to compromising on quality. Taking a different turn in the existing scenario, however, has been Good Times (GT) who has successfully flourished and maintained their position even in degenerated circumstances. Alarmingly, their success has created the problem for them in itself.
Being one of the biggest social magazines of our country, GT has continuously faced issues in setting prerogatives and choosing contents for their magazine. Conditions strain when...