Care for the Physical and Nutritional Needs for Babies and Young Children

Kathleen stannard
Unit 076
Outcome 2
Arrivals and departures | On arrival or departure of each child we try to keep the child calm and happy, in a unhurried and relaxed atmosphere. |
Nappy changing and toilet training | While a child is having his/her nappy changed we try to keep the children calm and happy while changing the nappy you should talk to the child. Toilet training should be started when the parent thinks he/she is ready you should try and make this a positive experience for the child by praising the child when he/she uses the potty and not showing a negative attitude or sense of frustration when he/she has an accident. |
Mealtimes and snacks | At mealtimes and snack we allow the children to be involved by allowing them to pour own water dish out their own food, help to cut their own fruit at sack time we try to keep mealtimes a calm and relaxed environment children shouldn’t feel that they need to rush, after snack and mealtime children will be wiped to ensure their faces and hands or clean.   |
Rest and sleeping | Children normally have a routine for sleeping and we try to keep to this routine in or setting we have cots for baby’s to sleep in we also have a cosy corner for children that just want a rest we try to ensure that the children feel relaxed and calm, before we put them for a sleep so we try to ensure that the environment is calm and relaxed. |
Activities | Free choice about if they want to go outside or inside, activities should be based on child’s preferences/interests, balanced adult child initiated activities.   |

Kathleen stannard
Unit 076
Outcome 2

3 toilet training is a major development step both physical and emotionally for children and this needs to be dealt with very carefully, it is important to work in partnership with parents as toilet training will be less stressful for everyone if similar routines and approaches are being taken within the setting and at home, so that the parent can tell you...