Cache Level 3 Unit 2

Unit 2- Development from conception to 16 years
E1) The age range that I have chosen is 3-7 years as this is the age range of the child that I was observing during placement. The area I have to chosen to look at is language development, children in this age range develop a larger vocabulary and their use of sentences increase as well as having mastered the basic skills of language although they still make some mistakes these are known as virtuous errors and they have mastered the reproduction of most sounds for example if a teacher used the sound β€˜β€™ al’’ in a word the child would do their best to copy that sound. The other area of development I have chosen is intellectual development for the age range 3-7 years, in this age range some of the skills they are able to do is tell if an object is light or heavy, able to repeat a simple story, name five textures, name times of the day e.g. bedtime and dinner time, counts accurately up to 20 items and predict what happens next.
E2) The age range that I have chosen is birth to 3 years and one of areas I have chosen to explain is language development at 6 weeks old babies make cooing sounds to show pleasure. The sounds that they make at this age are different from the sounds that they make later on as the mouth is still developing. At 6-9 months babies blend vowels and consonants together to make sounds e.g. ba, ma, and da. They also babble which is known as the sounds before words. By this age they have also learnt some important communication skills such as eye contact, recognising emotions in other people and knowing how to respond to those emotions.  
At 9-10 months babies still babble and range of sounds are limited. By 10 months babies can understand 17 or more words, their communication skills have also developed further and they know how to get attention from other adults by pointing and raising their voice. They also know what is being said through word recognition and facial expressions. At 1 year old babies...