Business Ethics

Although the business world certainly allows for a diversity of profit
models, styles, and approaches, companies desirous of increased profits
over the long term must maintain high ethical standards. A company that
adheres to high ethical standards establishes itself as a consistent,
accountable, and transparent force within the market that it operates.
With high ethical standards, a company can develop a pattern of behavior
and create reliationships upon which other businesses can rely. Over
the long term, high ethical standards creates a notion of dependability
for a company that enables growth and increased profits. Excellent!!

More specifically, companies that choose high ethical standards as their
modus operandi insure themselves against the many deleterious outcomes
that could befall companies with a more free-weilding approach to
business ethics. Cultivating and maintaining high ethical standards can
help businesses avoid spurious or illegal dealings that could
potentially incur fines, governemnt investigation, censorship, lawsuits,
over even bankrupcy. If short-term profit maximization is the goal of a
company, then perhaps these hazards are worth the cost of doing
business. However, none of these outcomes serves to increase a company's
image or profits over the long term. You should say specifically somewhere in this paragraph that investigations and fines would hurt long term profitability.   Go a little bit more in depth.

Additionally, a company that maintains high ethical standards cultivates
a reliable trustworthy reputation not only among its business peers but
also among its clientele base. By demonstrating accountability and
transparency in their actions, ethical businesses can expect to attract
a like-minded core of clientele who shares that company's consistent
grounded approach. This clientele base will grow over time thereby
contributing to the company's long term goal of increased profits....