Business Commuications Trend

Business Communication Trends
Business communication plays a vital role in ones day to day activities at work. Telephone, emails, instant messages, presentations, faxes to and from customers are just a few of the methods to communicate within a business and from business to business. A variation of the different communication systems helps to manage daily work activities. A few popular trends that are currently being used are instant messaging, teleconference between various sites and real-time online training courses.
Communication in the business world can take many forms. Emails, faxes, telephone conferences, instant messages and meetings are just a few examples. Without these forms of communication, it would make my job much more complicated if not impossible. Outbound phone calls, faxing information to a customer, notating the conversation in a customer relationship management system are basic functions of my job and essential steps to keeping my department running smoothly. The telephone is one of the most important tools I use to communicate with my client base in Arkansas, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and California. Instant messages allow immediate contact with a fellow co-worker or manager to get answers quickly. If I have a customer on the telephone with a complicated question, instant message allows me to find the answer swiftly, which enhances my customer’s experience with me and my company. “Experts predict that most office workers, only recently adapted to the pace of regular E-mail, soon will be speeding up again with instant messaging” (LaGesse, 2001). Emails are also an important part of my daily work management. I receive more emails than I send and most emails that I receive have important information pertaining to my job and industry that directly affect my customers. Having crucial information in an email helps to eliminate any additional time I would use in searching for answers. Business communication continues to evolve in finding ways to...