Buisness Law and Ethics

        City Banking Collage


  * Critically evaluate Hofstede’s contribution to our understanding of cultural differences.   What do you think are the strengths and limitations of his research?


Culture is defined in different ways by different Authors. It is most generalised as the way of life of people and what is there believes and values. There are many theorists who have put forward the meaning or the idea of culture in an organisation. It is defines culture as the “way we do things here” (Handy, 1995 p.83) and (Harrison) simply use the word “Ideology” to explain what culture is about.
However, Geert Hofstede created cultural dimensions to provide more understanding at workplace and values around the world. Still, in modern days activities technology has brought the world more closely than ever. Although people of the same culture tend to communicate and understand each other more often at work place. Uncertainty in cultural differences results in frustration and this create an impenetrable business environment.   There are many things to consider when communicating one person from another culture. These are refers to the factors that influence culture:
In the 1970s a psychologist named Geert Hofstede come up with questions of cross cultural management. And he conclude with five definite dimensions of culture which emerged as a research in a decade that became thousands of interviews of cultural dimensions and it was absolutely recommended as global standard in cross culture management.
Hofstede provides incredible database of cultural statistics. By his analysis he came out indications base on comparison and contrast within the similarity responses among his five dimension of culture. In a more exciting way, the research was held in single company’s employees of IBM. This gives a wider broad of knowledge on national culture differences, basically removing the difficulties in understanding...