
Why Breastfeeding is Important



        Breastfeeding is the process of feeding babies with milk directly from female breast. It starts immediately when a child is born and continues as the child wishes. An infant is breastfed about 12 times a day and the rate decreases as the child grows older. A child should be breastfed for about 2 years with the first 6 months without food supplements (KidsHealth, 2011). This paper will highlight the significance of breastfeeding which accrues to both mothers the young one.
      Breastfeeding boost the immune system of a child. Breast milk contains antibodies which help to lower incidences of numerous diseases subject to a child including respiratory tract infections, diabetes, asthma, leukemia etc.   for example, according to Ip, chung, Raman, Trikalinos and Lau (2009), children who breastfed for at least 4 month in the first year experience a reduced risk to contract   lower respiratory infection by at least 70%. Also breast milk is easily digestible therefore reducing the risk of constipation and stomach upset.
      Secondly, breastfeeding has positive postpartum effect to a mother. It improves uterus shrinkage and minimizes blood loss after delivery which enhances speedy recovery to a mother. In addition, breastfeeding hasten the time before menstruation returns hence reducing the risk of the mother contracting ovarian cancer. A breastfeeding mother also has a lower chance of contracting breast cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
      In summary breast feeding is beneficial to both mother and child. With regard to the child, breast milk contains all the necessary ingredients for immunity and growth. Consequently, the mother’s health is improved by reducing exposure to fatal diseases which may result from lack of breastfeeding.
Ip s, chung M, Raman G, Trikalinos TA, Lau J,(2009): A summary of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s evidence report on...