Brain Function

The cerebellum is involved in coordinated movements and skilled actions of balance, muscle tone, voluntary movement, and basic aspects of memory and learning. It is located at the lower back of the brain, helping with other portions of the brain work effectively together. The word cerebellum plainly means “little brain”, and this is reflective of its small proportions. If the cerebellum is injured, these roles can be impaired in how a person moves.
Function of the Cerebellum
In comparison to other parts of the brain, the cerebellum is well protected from trauma. It is due to its location right above the brain stem and in the back of the brain. This is an ideal location for the cerebellum, as some compare it to a computer. Messages are inputted into the cerebellum, processed, and then sent to the right destination.
The cerebellum is comprised of three main lobes: the flocculonodular lobe, anterior lobe, and the posterior lobe. These lobes receive information from systems in the inner ear, sensory nerves, and from visual and auditory systems. The anterior lobe, also known as the paleocerebellum, receives input from the spinal cord on the position of various body parts. It prepares the muscles of the body for changes in posture. The flocculonodular lobe regulates eye movements and equilibrium. The posterior lobe evaluates sensory information to plot movement. This lobe, also called the neocerebellum, is important for having fine motor coordination.
Part of Nervous System affected by Cerebellum
The cerebellum, part of the central nervous system, controls the body’s voluntary movement, which is controlled from the somatic nervous system. Information received from the SNS is used by the paleocerebellum and the other two lobes and prepares for future voluntary movement.
Cerebellar Injury
Cerebellar damage and injury can lead to a person making slow, inaccurate movements that are uncoordinated. They also tend to sway and stagger while in motion. More serious...