Blood Disorders

Blood Disorders

        In the human body, blood is continuously circulating fluid and supplying the body with nutrients, oxygen, and removing waste. The blood is made up of various important components which include plasma, red blood cells, and platelets. When one or more parts of a person's blood is affected with a blood disorder, it prohibits the blood from functioning properly.   Therefore, the following scenarios will put into perspective the purposes of the blood components, the causes and symptoms of each blood disorder, and possible methods of preventing the disease in the future.
      The purpose of plasma, red blood cells, and platelets
Blood is made up of various components which include plasma, red blood cells, and platelets with each serving a different purpose. For instance, plasma is the liquid section of the blood and it is what suspends red blood cells, platelets, and other cells within the bloodstream (BloodSource, n.d.). Next, the most important blood product is red blood cells, and its primary purpose is transporting oxygen throughout the body. Lastly, platelets purpose is to prevent and stop a person from bleeding.
First Scenario ~ Joanne
Joanne is suffering from iron deficiency anemia due to her poor eating habit which includes pasta, bread, hot dogs, and artificial fruit punches. According, to Joanne's symptoms of pale skin, fatigue, and combined with a poor diet her body does not have sufficient iron to produce hemoglobin. At first, iron deficiency can go unnoticed; however, when the body lacks iron, the symptoms become more severe. In that case, Joanne can lower her risk or prevent iron deficiency in the future by eating foods that are full of iron such as red meat, pork and poultry, green leafy vegetables, cereals, pasta, and bread that are iron-fortified. Additionally, Joanne can boost her body’s consumption by drinking juices that contain citrus or eating foods that have...