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A time I got in trouble {draw:frame}
Well, I have never really gotten into big trouble at school, except once when I was in 5th grade, I think. Ok, what happened was, I was passing notes with my friend Nathalie. We were just joking around talking about random funny stuff. I said something really funny, so my friend, decided to show it to our other friend Lilly, Lilly showed it to this guy max, and max gave it to the teacher. My friend Nathalie and I got called into the office so they could call our moms, because the notes had a whole bunch of bad words and stuff on it. They made copies of the note and gave it too our parents. My dad laughed when he read it, he thought it was funny, my mom didn’t. My mom grounded me for a month, I think. When I went to school the next day, I yelled at max, and never talked to him again. That’s the worst trouble I’ve gotten into with school, right now; I’m currently grounded for getting a D in English.
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{draw:frame} Good day
Well, there are two versions of a good day for me;it would depend on my mood. If I just wanted to be alone or was feeling lazy, a perfect day would go like this; I would wake up around 1:00 or 2:00, id go take a shower, and would go downstairs. When I was downstairs and make some food probably, an egg and a bagel. After eating, id go upstairs in my room and lay in my bed and read a good book, while listening to my iPod, alone.yep, that’d be one the best days for me, I’d be very content and relaxed. Another perfect day would be around my family and friends. First, I would wake up whenever, id take a shower, maybe eat if I’m hungry, then go to the mall with my friends for a couple hours maybe see a movie or something. After being at the mall for awhile id go to my nanas house and go swimming and hang out with my aunts and cousin. I’d probably stay the night, and stay up really late, watching movies and stuff. That’d be the best day ever! Ha-ha.
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