Birth of the Republic

Authors Point of View
The book that I am analyzing in this report is The Birth of the Republic, by Edmund S. Morgan. This book was written to explain the events that led to the American Revolution, and ultimately the signing of the Constitution. The author spends a great amount of time emphasizing detail. He starts the book by describing the state of the colonies as a "quarrelsome, litigious, divisive lot" . This is important to understand, because it describes how the colonies are already restless and how the first tax imposed on them began their anger towards the British. The author then explains how, after many taxes and laws passed by Britain, the colonies start the revolution at Lexington Green .
This books strongest quality is again, it's great amount of detail. The author then goes on to explain the Revolutionary war in its entirety, all the way to the end with the signing of peace in Paris in 1781. He continues on to then describe the constitional convention, and finally the ratification of the constitution to the United States of America. All of this is important to understand, because it created our country, and was the foundation for many other important world events. An example of the authors detail is when he describes the choices of the colonists, for either their rights or their king . He describes King George III as "playing the only role a responsible monarch could play" , describing The king after he had declared the colonies in rebellion.
Based on how the author has approached the perspective of the War, I believe he has written this book to inform   people on the history of The American Revolution from a pro-revolutionist's point of view.   The way he writes in very descriptive detail, and his descriptions of multiple causes of the Revolution shows me that he wants to make it clear on how and why the Revolution started. I found a clear indicator of this in the way he described the nullification of the stamp act , how the Americans felt...