Biology, Origin of the Earth

Martim Fortes
Origin of the earth

Ever since the dawn of mankind, people have glanced at the stars looking for answers. Answers about how starts were made, what was out there but most of all, how was our planet created. For many years most thought it was god to create the Earth,   but as years went by and science took a bigger part in peoples life, a couple of revolutionary man started looking into this. Searching for answers which had been denied by the church for hundreds of years. They digged into the past where many secrets were hiding. The first theories about our solar system and galaxy started to spread, until finally scientists got an explanation of how the universe was formed. It was the complete opposite of what religion taught and many thought it was a contradiction to religion, meaning that it imposed that god didn't exist. They named the theory Big Bang, because it described what they thought actually happened. It was denied at first but it is now acknowledged as what happened. There is no way to be sure, but this is as good of a guess as scientists can make today. The creation of the Earth is the continuation of what happened during the Big Bang in a way.
To understand how Earth was formed, the process of the creation of both the universe and our solar systems must be reviewed. In the case of our universe the Big Bang is the name of the theory.   A theory which says the universe came into a state of existence about 13.7 billion years ago. After our universe appeared it inflated which is what the name Big Bang refers to, and expanded from an extremely dense and hot state. According to studies the universe is still expanding. The Big Bang theory is just one of many others about the creation of the universe but it is considered the one with more evidence. The theory states that the universe was at one stage very, very hot. Which is backed up by the discovery of a 2.725 degree of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. This are some...