Biological Processes and Psychological Explanation



Biological Processes and Psychological Explanation

TMA 02


TMA 02

Part 1

Write an essay of 1000 words on Option B essay question:

Option B:   Explain, with examples, of studies of brain damage or disruption to normal brain activity have informed us about the relationship between brain activity and behaviour in normal functioning.

The brain, mind and behaviour have a very complex, yet well defined, relationship.   The brain is the body’s communication headquarters.   It deals with, processes and acts upon all information it receives in an organised, timely fashion.   The information comes from various sources via the sensory system, and then it relays information to different parts of the motor system.   These messages from the brain effect either muscle or behavioural patterns.   When a break in the chain occurs, it can result in various brain disorders such as stroke, schizophrenia, depression or abnormal behaviour encompassing violent and aggressive outbursts.   However, there are a number of factors which could also lead to abnormal behaviour, for example neurotransmitter and hormone imbalance, genetic predispositions, temperament, brain dysfunction and socioeconomic factors.

Various studies of malfunctioning brains have shown tremendous differences from the normal functioning brain.   In the case of a stroke victim, when a stroke occurs the normal brain ceases to function as it was, “neurons starved of oxygen, they rapidly begin to die and the brain becomes damaged at the site of the attack” (Brain Explorer, 2010).   This leaves the person with possible impaired motor functions, speech loss, and other cognitive disturbances.

Brain trauma is another cause of brain malfunction.   One of the first studied examples of this was that of Phineas Gage.   He obtained his injury while working on a railroad construction in 1848, when a large iron rod...