Benefits of Exercise for Women over 40

Benefits of Exercise for Women Over 40

Benefits of Exercise for Women Over 40

Exercise, the dreaded word to most women over 40 conjures up images of sweaty bodies, embarrassing moves on machines one knows nothing about, and wearing constricting clothing that shows every roll on one’s imperfect body. Exercise takes a backseat to other activities that appear more enjoyable. Example: surfing the net, watching TV, or simply lounging around.   When will the excuses cease? Exercise is the key to longevity. Exercise helps with weight management, improves one’s mood, manages chronic diseases, and improves one’s cardiovascular system. So ladies, let’s get our bodies moving!
The benefit of exercise truly outweighs not exercising, yet there are so many women out there that are unable to get themselves motivated to get moving, myself included. Weight control is one of the best reasons one needs to incorporate exercise into one’s daily routine. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that 31% of U.S. adults over age 20 are classified as obese (Schedule Time for Your Health.) (2008, June 23). “Although your health depends on more than just your weight, carrying too much extra weight puts you at risk for developing conditions such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and back and joint problems.   Excess weight also makes it harder to manage these conditions”. (Schedule Time for Your Health.) (2008, June 23)
Burn calories to lose extra pounds? Absolutely. Barker (2009) stated, “This is not a myth, although exercise does not boost metabolism in the long or short-term, when it comes to achieving your weight loss goals, any calorie one burns is a good one; whether it be in the form of fat, carbohydrate or protein. As long as you burn more calories than you consume, the weight will come off.”   (para. 9)
Weight control in my opinion, is a woman’s biggest challenge. Women who exercise can burn calories and shed extra pounds. When women incorporate...