
In Canadian history, as Canada changing state, including economic and population growth, the twentieth century was the climax for the Canadians. Bravely, autonomy was rewarded to the Canadians in many different levels. Canada, now, made itself as one of the middle power in the world. The 3 major events during this era that gradually helped Canada drift apart from Great Britain are the King-Byng Crisis, the Statue of Westminster , and the creation of the Canadian National Flag.
In 1926, the King-Byng Crisis made a huge difference for Canada independence. When King became Prime Minister, he wants to take the independence to a higher level. King refused to support Britain’s plan to invade Turkey and publicly challenged Britain over its influence on Canada’s internal politics, which became the King-Byng Crisis. The Conservatives called for a motion of censure against King’s government, which meant that if it’s successfully passed on, King would no longer be Prime Minister and is required to resign from his position. It came to that King asked Governor General Byng if he can call an election, but King got rejected. King quoted that once he’s back in power; got his position again, he would strip certain powers away from the Governor General, in this case Byng. After the event, Canada can freely pass down laws and bills as they wish to without any interruption and refusal by the Governor General. King said about Byng, “It is a complete control by an individual”. It shows how the governor general was like before the King-Byng Crisis and how he uses power for control.
The Statue of Westminster was another road to freedom in Canada. The statue erased laws, that restricted Canada’s Independence, which now Canada have the freedom apart from Britain, another step of success. The outcome of this, Canada did not have to follow the laws under Britain. The statue helped Canada because of removing binding acts and gave opportunities for Canada to make their own laws for...