At Castle Boterel

In the twentieth century poem ‘At Castle Boterel’ which Thomas Hardy wrote just after the death of his wife, Thomas Hardy is remembering a very important time that he spent with his wife. The poem is particularly poignant because he wrote it just after Emma’s death. He also wrote many other poems about Emma after her death in 1912.
In the first verse of the poem Thomas Hardy writes in the present tense which helps us picture the scene, he also wants it to look like he wrote it then. Thomas Hardy uses a road to compare it to his life, he’s reaching the end if his life and he looks back. He uses the word ‘drizzle’ this gives out a gloomy image, he may have used the word drizzle to compare it to his tears.
In the second verse he goes back in time to remember, in a lot of detail, the time when he proposed to his wife.
In the third verse Thomas Hardy writes about what they used to talk about, but it doesn’t mention what they said as it would have been very personal to both of them. He writes ‘hope’ and also ‘And feeling fled’ this implies that what they said will always be important.
In the fourth verse he writes ‘It filled but a minute’ this could have been a proposal. He then writes ‘In that hill’s story? To one mind never’ here he is reliving the moment in which it happened, now he is being very positive about his wife. Next he writes ‘foot-swift, foot-sore’ he is representing the young and the old.
Then in the fifth verse he says ‘Primeval rocks’ which is showing they’re very old and permanent, he also bring the rocks to life, as the rocks were placed at the side of the road which he is comparing to life. Using the word Primeval also helps to show when the poem was written. Also he is comparing it to his memories. He then writes ‘transitory’ which is showing time passing on. This also shows closure, because he is moving on as he is accepting she’s gone and he can’t have her anymore. Also his wife was not tangible which means you cannot touch her.
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